Threats - Industrial Espionage

Posted by Harisinh | Posted in | Posted on 1:29 AM


Industrial espionage is the act of gathering proprietary data from private companies or the government for the purpose of aiding another company(ies). Industrial espionage can be perpetrated either by companies seeking to improve their competitive advantage or by governments seeking to aid their domestic industries.

Foreign industrial espionage carried out by a government is often referred to as economic espionage. Since information is processed and stored on computer systems, computer security can help protect against such threats; it can do little, however, to reduce the threat of authorized employees selling that information. Industrial espionage is on the rise.

A 1992 study sponsored by the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) found that proprietary business information theft had increased 260 percent since 1985. The data indicated 30 percent of the reported losses in 1991 and 1992 had foreign involvement. The study also found that 58 percent of thefts were perpetrated by current or former employees.

The three most damaging types of stolen information were pricing 35 information, manufacturing process information, and product development and specification information. Other types of information stolen included customer lists, basic research, sales data, personnel data, compensation data, cost data, proposals, and strategic plans.36 Within the area of economic espionage, the Central Intelligence Agency has stated that the main objective is obtaining information related to technology, but that information on U.S. Government policy deliberations concerning foreign affairs and information on commodities, interest ates, and other economic factors is also a target.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation concurs hat 37 technology-related information is the main target, but also lists corporate proprietary information, such as negotiating positions and other contracting data, as a target.]

Here its all about the Industrial Espionage by Threat.


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