Microprocessor - 8086

Posted by Harisinh | Posted in | Posted on 3:29 AM


In 1976 Intel decided to embark on a 16-bit project and the result was 8086 which came-in to market in 1978. 8086 is a 16-bit device with 10 times the erformance of the 8080. It is build as an extension of the 8080’s architectural concepts, making it easier for customers to use and for Intel market.

In this microcontroller first time pipelining was introduced which furthermore increased the execution speed. Segmentation of memory i.e. dividing the memory space in to different segments for example code , data and stack segment was introduced for the first time. This segmentation of memory enabled the microprocessor to address the memory even though it had no register which could hold 20 bit address.

This was done using two registers base register and offset register to which a 0H had been hard wired in to the register as the lower nibble of base register and the higher nibble of offset register. Thus when we add both of the register we get a 20-bit address. It had a pre-fetch queue of 6 instructions where in the instructions which were to be executed were fetching during execution of an instruction.

Its architecture is designed to support parallel processing. It is made up of 29,000 MOS transistors and could work at clock rates of 5 to 10 MHz. It has a 16-bit ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) and data bus but the width of address bus is 20-bit (could address only 1M byte of memory).

Microprocessor 8086.

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